Cranes 529-537 are Patsy, Rylan, Nate, Gabriella, Kristyn, James, Gary, Stephanie and Tiffany
Cranes 538-546 are Lisa, Ashley, Lisa, Liz, Amanda, Dona, Divina, Pamela, and Cameron.
I know it's been awhile since I updated last. I'm very sorry about that. My mommy's computer quit working and she couldn't get anything loaded. But she's got a new one, so that means I'll be back here every day again. This Friday is the Fall Festival at my school. I can't wait! We might be bringing my friend with us. My school was also picked to host the New Orleans Saints Junior Training camp. That was last week. I had a lot of fun!

Next month is Diabetes awareness month. There is not enough awareness about diabetes and the damage it does. I'm only $76.00 away from my initial goal of $1,000.00 for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. I hope I can reach it next month. I've already got more ideas about how to keep raising, but you'll have to wait to find out. Please spread the word about Diabetes awareness month. We will find a cure, but we need to let people know why we need it so bad.