Cranes 103 and 104 are Natalia and Giulia. Giulia is my mommy's friends little girl. She has diabetes.

Cranes 105 and 106 are Divina and Diego.
My mommy and Giulia's mommy are friends. Her little boy and Morris are the same age. When her mommy sends pictures, I put them in a photo album my mommy gave me. I still have all of them. When my mommy showed me Giulia in the hospital, that's when I realized why my mommy and daddy check Becca. Diabetes isn't fun. Diabetes can kill you if it's diagnosed too late, or make you really sick. Like it did Giulia.

This is Giulia in the PICU when she was first diagnosed. Her mommy said she could hardly walk.

This is Giulia now. She was supposed to be in Cinderella the night she got diagnosed, but wasn't able to. She finally got to be in it. She is really good at dancing.
Thank you, Lizzie :-)