My name is Lizzie, I'm 10 years old and in the 4th grade. I like origami and drawing, and littlest pet shop. I love Hello Kitty too. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers. My little sister Becca gets her finger poked sometimes to make sure her sugar level is ok. My mommy has some friends whose kids are sick with diabetes, and I wanted to do something to help, so my mommy and I came up with the Cranes 4 a Cure. I want to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. My sister is lucky, she doesn't have diabetes, but a lot of kids do, and it isn't fair. Anyone can get juvenile diabetes, you don't have to have a family history. I think they need to find a cure fast so the kids who have it can be needle free, I don't like needles.
So I guess you want to know what Cranes 4 a Cure is. It is said that anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish. Sometimes relatives or friends fold the cranes for someone who has an illness in hopes for recovery or a long life.
My goal is to raise $1,000.00. For every dollar I raise, I am going to make an origami crane and put the name of the person who sent me that dollar on the wing. Then I am going to string all the cranes together and give it to the juvenile diabetes foundation with all the money I raise. Then my wish will be to find a cure. Please help me help those kids with this bad disease. My mommy says she will take a picture of every crane I make and post it here for everyone to see. For more information, please email my mommy, her name is Jenny. A dollar isn't a lot, but it can make a difference. I hope to get some pictures of kids you can help soon. Thank you.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Cranes 44 - 46
Todays Cranes are thanks to Heather, Katie and Kenny. Thank you for your donation. I am having so much fun making all these cranes. This weekend I think I am going to put them all together on a string and take a picture.